lose weight fast

Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Today the experts weigh in on how to drop weight fast.

Hey guys and gals, thank you so much for choosing to come by FitnessXtremes.org. Today you’re going to learn exactly how to lose weight fast and easy.

There is simply a ton of information out there, and a lot of it is utter crap. We don’t want to serve that up to you because we believe you deserve better. You should have the right to get information directly from experts in the fitness industry. That’s why we’re providing you with some great advice from experts such as Tony Horton and Kayla Itsines.

Now, this site is all about Xtreme Fitness. Right? So, we want to first and foremost give you a workout example that will show you how to drop weight fast. It will also allow you to start getting the body you want. How? By burning fat and building lean muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

However, we know that SOME of you, are looking for easier workouts. Some of you are looking for diets that are designed to still help you lose weight fast and easy without a lot of hard work. You know, maybe you just want to lose 10 or 15 pounds and drop a dress size. Who knows what your goals are?

Well, you do.

And, there’s more than one way to get there.

One thing we know. Most people don’t have lots of time to work out, yet they still want quick results. So, get ready for an amazing workout from Sixpackfactory.com:

15 Minute Extreme Fat Burning Home Workout

Now, for those of you that want a bit of science, there is a reason that Xtreme Fitness routines are actually BETTER for you than most others. Here’s an article from WebMD that you should definitely read. That is, if you’re looking for the WHY these routines work best when you want to lose weight fast.

High-Intensity Workouts: Burn Calories Better, Longer

how to lose weight fast

Things are about to get really intense. But just for a little while.

It’s called high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. You vary your pace or how hard you work, pushing your limits, and then drop back down to a more comfortable zone. Then you do it again — rev it up, recover, and repeat.

The payoff: You’ll torch calories far more than if you kept at a steady rate.

The catch? “HIIT can be tough, and it requires a lot of effort,” says Mike Young, PhD, owner and founder of Athletic Lab Sports Performance Training Center in Cary, NC.

You’re up for the challenge. Right?

Check out this full article on how to lose weight fast by clicking the image or title above.

Next, ladies and gents, it’s time for some advice from fitness guru, Tony Horton on how to drop weight fast. In case you don’t know the guy, he’s an American personal trainer and author. He is best known as the creator of the commercial home exercise regimen P90X.




That’s just the tip of the iceberg. In the following article,Tony goes all out with ten awesome tips on how you can lose weight fast in just 3 days.



how to drop weight fast

    1. Eat often ~ I know this sounds contrary to weight loss, but science has proven over and over again, that eating 5 healthy “snack size” meals throughout the day, is how you lose weight.
    2. Cut out the salt ~ This means consuming less than 2 grams a day. Deli meats, cold cuts, sauces, dressings and processed foods are typically loaded with sodium, so run don’t walk away from these problem foods.
    3. Drink your water! ~ For whatever reason this is still a head scratcher for a lot of people. Some schools of thought say to drink as much as a gallon of water a day. Maybe if you’re a 245 pound linebacker training twice a day. My goal is 6 to 8 eight oz. glasses a day, but your weight and activity levels really determine how much is right for you. Drink even amounts of water throughout the day, and experiment to learn what works for you.
    4. Get off the hootch! ~ Yup, the empty calories in alcohol, soda pop, energy drinks, are great for gaining weight, so they all have to go if you really want to lose weight and live a healthy life.
    5. Plenty of rest and sleep ~ Sleeping is healing, and it’s also when you burn the most calories. Lack of sound sleep, over training, and stress raises cortisol levels to the point where your circadian rhythm is so out of whack that you crave unhealthy food, lose your focus and desire to exercise. Good sleep, low stress, mixed with yoga and meditation is the foundation to weight loss.

    Read the full article by clicking on the image or the title above.


    Ladies, the next one is specifically for you. Not every workout and not every diet is created equal. Some are great for both sexes. However, due to the fact that men and women store fat differently, there are some strategies that work better for women than for men.

    The following article presents outstanding, expert advice from Kayla Itsines. She’s an Australian personal trainer, author, and entrepreneur on how to lose weight fast.


    Who Else Wants to Know How to Drop Weight Fast?

    how to lose weight fast and easy

    Want to lose weight fast? This question seems to be thrown around a lot in the health and weight loss industry these days. We are surrounded by products that promise you a ‘6 pack’ or ‘toned booty’ in such a short amount of time. In my opinion, it’s beginning to get a little ridiculous! While some of these things may assist you, it’s almost always in the short-term and that leads me to ask the question “is this actually helping your weight loss efforts in the long run?”

    I want to talk about how ‘losing weight fast’ may not necessarily be the best thing for your health, but firstly and most importantly I want to challenge the idea that weight loss is a ‘fast’ thing to achieve.

    I believe this type of mentality can be damaging, not only physically but also mentally. Whether you are wanting to lose weight for health reasons or to tone up because you don’t feel happy and confident, there should never be a time limit on achieving that. We as girls especially often feel pressured to have a certain look or certain body type. We are surrounded by “models” and other influencers on social media who we not only look up to, but think that is the way we need to physically look. Add the word “weight loss” into the mix and this suddenly seems like something that has to be achieved immediately, or else we may never reach that “ideal look”.

    As always ladies, check out the full article by clicking on the image or the title above. 🙂


    The 3 Week Diet

    Finally, we’re fans of learning something new all the time. Without new discoveries, life would be dull. So, we want to leave you with an interesting article on a diet that seems to be taking Japan by storm and is helping the Japanese to drop weight fast.

    (Please note, we’re not endorsing this diet. You may learn how to lose weight fast, but if you try it, it’s totally at your own risk. Not that we think there’s really any risk involved, but … we had to say that.)


    How to Lose Weight Easy with the Japanese Morning Banana Diet

    how to drop weight fast

    Eat a banana for breakfast

    You can eat more than one. In fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning. But, don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort.

    Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas.

    Other fruit may be substituted.

    If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal.

    If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food. The Japanese inventor of the original Asa Banana Diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later. That’s about 200 calories worth. Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball.

    You can read about this rather unique diet, and get full details by clicking on the image above or on the title.


    By now, we’re pretty sure you have some kick-butt insights on how to lose weight fast and easy.  So, where do you go from here?

    Well, most people who want to lose weight fast, right? They also want to know how to get a six pack.

    If that’s you, don’t leave!

    You can get some great info from the experts on exactly how to do that by clicking the link below.

    —>>> How to Get a Six Pack Fast


Posted by writeboywrite@gmail.com in Start Here - Basics