is Here to Help You Develop or Maintain a Super Fit Body Worthy of Song!

We help people just like you with their extreme fitness goals. With us, you won’t just get healthy and fit. We’re confident you’ll get the healthy body you really want.

So, what’s our story?

It all started off with one guy who hated working out. Oh, sure. Some push-ups here or there when he felt guilty for eating too much pizza, but other than that? No plans on getting super fit at all. Or any kind of fit, if we’re honest.

Hated … every … moment … of physical … exercise.

He wasn’t fat (ok, so his body fat percentage was high), he was skinny fat, if you know what we’re talking about here).

And, it really wasn’t until he started dating an amazing, sports and fitness oriented woman that he started to notice that she was able to kick his *$$ when it came to working out.

super fitThat’s Her.

Was His Motivation Strictly Competitive?

Well, not really. It was more of a jealousy thing. The more he saw her looking amazing, and himself looking, well … not as amazing … the more he felt the need to put in the effort to look good not just for himself, but for her too!

(She always said he was great, wonderful, fine, etc. without him ever needing to work out … but the more she said those things the more he felt guilty.)

So! That was the beginning of the journey.

Which, as it happens. Is now.

 where can I find a full body workout for beginners

Me and My Youngest.

Literally, RIGHT now.

I’m the guy. My name is Will, and I’m a forty year old writer who sits behind a computer for long stretches at a time.

And, I’m determined to get into the BEST shape of my life.

You know, where we all WANT to be is at the end of the road. We want to be young, healthy, vibrant, strong, powerful … the image of an Adonis or Aphrodite.

We want to be able to walk down the beach without looking like a gorilla with a beer gut hanging over our swim trunks, or like a flabby inner-tube with chicken legs stuck into flip-flops.

We want to be hot! Damn it! Like our favorite movie stars!


Most of us want that, but most of us don’t do what’s necessary to achieve that vision.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Most of that is actually not our fault. At least, not entirely.

You see, our culture is fast food. Our attention spans are less than that of a gold fish, according to a New York Times article. Seriously, I just read  it. It’s horrifying. You should check it out.

Our mentality has become that of a victim where everything is done TO us, rather than each of us taking responsibility for our own lifestyle decisions.

I designed to help motivate MYSELF first, and then to help motivate you. I refuse to be a victim of lazy thinking, and lazy behavior any longer.

I’ve spoken about myself here because I started this little endeavor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come along and join me. I write a lot of the articles, but I’m open to others writing too. When the site says “We do this” or “We believe that” … it’s talking about my beliefs, but also those of every other writer who joins in.fitnessxtremes org

You can see a list of FitnessXtreme’s writer’s guidelines by clicking the link below. (If you are a writer, and into fitness, please do click away.)

Write For Us

So with all of that said, I invite each of you to come and join me on my personal journey to getting the body I desire. I’m pretty sure it’s the type of body you want too if you’re a guy. (If you’re a woman, well … you know what I mean.)

I’ll be posting articles and updates about my OWN journey weekly.

You’re invited to write in, tell me your stories (as long as I have permission to post them), and let me know what’s working for you.

I’m rooting for me. (I love myself.)

But remember this … I’m excited and rooting for you too. Hey, maybe you are already super fit and you’re only looking to maintain that fitness level. If that’s you, then my hat is off to you and let me just say, you are where I want to be. Congratulations! I believe you’ll still find value in this site’s pages. So don’t wander off!

On the pages of this site, you’ll be able to go from the basics on up to advanced theory and practice in the following areas:

  • weight training routines
  • organic foods
  • healthy diets
  • nutrition and lifestyle choices
  • personal training
  • outdoor training and sports
  • mental and spiritual fitness

I recommends (did you see that? “recommends.” Ahhhhh the typos are killing me.)

“I recommendss’s it. Yessss precioussss.”

Ehem, I recommend, that you start by browsing the articles here and when you read them, leave comments and let me know what you think and whether you found the article valuable and helpful … and if so, in what way.


Because, if you’ve ever asked yourself “where can I find a full body workout for beginners,”


Where can I find a full body workout for men” (or women) … you’ll find them here, and so much more.

Get started reading by CLICKING HERE NOW.

Finally, fill out the form immediately below. That way, you can download a free introduction manual to an amazing three-week (healthy) diet program (which “I” myself am following).

You’ll also be able to stay connected to the community I’m building here!

Go do that now, and I’ll be looking forward to sharing my journey with you.