Start Here – Basics

Ladies Let’s Murder Your Cellulite

Ladies Let’s Murder Your Cellulite

Every woman fears this monster. Every woman dreads this lumpy, dimpled areas.

They show up most commonly in the thighs and buttocks.

Bikini madness … and … summertime sadness.
The 3 Week Diet

Yeah, you need that red dress on tonight to cover up those unsightly areas of flesh. Nothing scares you anymore … except THAT.

It’s time to murder your cellulite, ladies.

You gotta ditch those dimples in the worst way. Right? If you feel that way, then you’re in the right place. Because, you see, cellulite for many is simply unavoidable. However, that doesn’t mean there are no treatments of cellulite.

So, below we check out the causes of cellulite as well as what you can do about it.

1. 4 Tips on How to Reduce Cellulite : What it is & How to Reduce its Appearance!


2. Sick of Cellulite? Know the Causes of Cellulite?

cellulite is unavoidable

Do you know the causes of cellulite? You are not alone, in fact, 90% of all adult women have some cellulite on their body. Here, women’s fitness model and work out guru, Emily Skye dishes on How You Can Prevent Cellulite.


3. The Only Real Ways to Reduce Cellulite


4. The Dirty Little Secret Of The Female Athlete: Cellulite

treatments of cellulite

“I’ve had cellulite since I was thirteen. I’m not talking about one or two dimples either. I have a sizeable amount of the dimply stuff on the upper part of my posterior thighs.”

To check out the Confessions of Vanessa Bennington, an Athletic Coach, Click Here.

5. Are There Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite?

cellulite is unavoidable

A lot of workouts are marketed as fat-blasting and cellulite-shrinking. Instructors claim that if you only knew the causes of cellulite, and all the right moves, your trouble zones would disappear and your body would be dimple-free. But … really?

Check Out This Article on WebMD by Jessica Cassity.


5. 10 Minutes Cellulite Removal Exercise


“Nobody’s ever been arrested for a murder; they have only ever been arrested for not planning it properly.”  – Terry Hayes, I Am Pilgrim

Hopefully, with the information above, you’ve got the info you need to adequately plan for the eradication of the evil dimples in your thighs and rear end, which may be plaguing you. 😉

Now … who else wants to share this on Facebook or Pinterest?


Posted by in Start Here - Basics
Namaste: Get Your Daily Yoga On

Namaste: Get Your Daily Yoga On

Streeetch. Pose.

Are you listening warriors and warrior-esses?

Put yourself into the form of a pretzel. You can do it.


Come on, man. The Hindu deities Shiva and Shakti and their hermaphroditic joint deity, Arhnraishvara does it. Time for another downward dog! It’s all about flexibility.
The 3 Week Diet

And karma.

What we mean by that is that if you haven’t done yoga in a while, well your muscles might protest the stretching that’s coming their way.

Yoga and karma. Kicking your ass!

(Oh come on. Haven’t you ever heard of Hot Yoga? … Kicked our asses … *muttering under our collective breaths*).

Ok, the truth is that daily yoga has some tremendous benefits regardless of the type of yoga you choose to engage in. (And you don’t have to be Hindu or accept the religious overtones that constitute yoga’s poses.)

That means you can be a Zoroastrian, a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim and do yoga simply as exercise without compromising your monotheistic beliefs.

One of America’s top fitness gurus, of P90X fame, Tony Horton does a daily yoga routine that we’re going to share with you here as the first of several articles on the subject.


1. Tony Horton’s Daily Yoga Routine


2. 23 Steps To Becoming A Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga Goddess

daily yoga

Like surfing? Like yoga? A Sydney fitness guru is making magical waves.

Come Check Out This Article by Simon Crerar.


3. 27 Pregnant Women Whose Yoga Game Will Blow Your Mind

yoga routine


Pregnancy. Yoga. Stretching.

Whoooa, Mama.

4. Here’s How You Can Actually Do Yoga At Home

daily yoga routine

Of course, yoga studios are truly wonderful, but you don’t actually need one to practice.

All You Need Is This.


Now go out and get elastic.

And remember, “Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.”Bob Harper

Namaste. And, Semper Gumby!



Posted by in Cardio, Start Here - Basics
Skip the Gym and Get Ripped at Home

Skip the Gym and Get Ripped at Home

How many of us wish that we could just skip the gym and workout effectively at home? Probably the majority, right?

After all, who wants to pay the gym fees? Who wants to be around a lot of other people grunting and sweating if you don’t have to?

Ok, so some of us still have nightmares from that time when we were teenagers. We went into the gym, paid our membership dues, went to work out on the machines … and there was the creeper. He was standing way in the back next to the mirrors. The guy was doing arm curls with dumb bells. He was sweating profusely, and he kept slapping the arm doing the curls while grunting to himself, “Come on precious … COME ON!”

Hopefully you aren’t mentally scarred like we were.

Maybe some of you like the gym because there is strength in numbers. And, by that, we mean that there is mental strength. You see all these other people busting their butts to lift weight, or get in that awesome cardio workout … it kind of makes you want to at least keep pace.


But sometimes the truth is, we want to be able to have the SAME effective workout from the comfort of our own homes. Having a home gym is an ideal for some of us.

If you fit into that category, then this article is for you. Below, we’ll show how some others have done it, and provide advice on how you can too.

1. How to Turn Your Home Into a Personal Gym

home gym

This is a great article by fitness guru, Joe Wicks from Here, he describes how to turn your home into your very own fat burning HIIT zone for a full body workout.

Click Here to See How He Would Make Your Home Your Gym!


2. How to Create the Perfect Home Gym 

make your home your gym

In this article by Scott Laidler over at, we “show you a better way to construct your home workout space. But first you need to ask yourself the following, crucial question: Is this going to be good for you?”

See Whether It Is or Not By Clicking Here.


3. Home Gym Mirrors

workout at home

If you aren’t sure that paying for a gym membership is the best route, turn your home or garage into a gym with home gym mirrors and garage gym mirrors. It turns out that with a little space and some well-placed mirrors and exercise equipment you can turn a basement, or even part of a room into your private oasis of self-improvement.

Check Out This Groovy Article by Megan Evans by Clicking Here.

4. How You Can Transform Your Home into an EPIC Gym without Spending a Penny

home gym

Don’t pay for a gym membership, here’s how to use your home as a gym and get fit and in shape for free – without having to go anywhere near the lycra-clad gym bunnies.

Coming to You From the UK’s Mirror.Co.UK.


5. How to Setup Awesome Home Gym in Your Bedroom


So. Feel like to turning your house into your gym … Precious?

Whether you do or don’t, hopefully you learned something interesting. If so, please do share this article on Facebook or Pinterest!

In the meantime, go hard or go home!

Oh, uh … kind of doesn’t make sense when your gym is in your home, huh.



Posted by in Start Here - Basics
No Balance: When Too Much Exercise is Harmful

No Balance: When Too Much Exercise is Harmful

We all know these people who are into too much exercise. Some of us are in relationships with them.

They get up, and first thing in the morning and (horror of horrors) before they even grab a cup of coffee, they’re starting an excessive exercise routine. They’ve got their exercise ball and they’re doing planks. Their music is all turned up and it’s only 5:30 A.M. for crying out loud!

They’ve got their yoga mat spread out on the kitchen floor. They’re stretching (which, admittedly, can be a turn on … but we digress) and they’re already sweating. While some of us, on the other hand, are staggering out of bed. We’re bleary eyed. We’re desperate to find and shut off the music blaring from the new iPhone 7 as it lies there, seemingly so innocent, on the kitchen counter.

Yes …

We know our enemy.

The truth is though, these workout fanatics may be acting out an addiction. There is a difference, you see, between dedication and addiction.

In this article, we take a look at those differences, and we give the information that will allow you to see if you, or someone you love, has an unhealthy, secret obsession with punishing workouts. We help you determine if you, or they, are trying so hard to crush it, merely in order to be seen by others as “better than.”

With that said, let’s discuss the ins and outs of too much exercise.

1. What Happens If You Exercise Too Much?

2. Stop Glorifying Too Much Exercise

too much exercise

This article comes to you from Angie Viets, LCP a clinical psychotherapist, and author. This was originally published over at Come see how “admiration and compliments from others’ fuel the already obsessive mind of the person with an exercise addiction.”

You Can Get Her Full Write-Up Here.


3. Do Olympians Get Too Much Exercise?

punishing workout

This article comes to you from Gretchen Reynolds, in a blog for the New York Times. Exercise scientists have long been intrigued – and worried – by the question of whether, over months and years, someone can exercise too much. This article takes on this question.

Click to Examine it in Depth.


4. Too Much Exercise May Make You Grow Old

excessive exercise

Just about every fitness guru talks about the marvelous benefits of exercise, but has anyone ever mentioned that exercise can hasten the ageing process? Believe it or not.

If you’re an exercise junky, you’ll want to Take a Look at This Article.


5. Excessive Exercise May Harm Athlete’s Gut Health

punishing workout

We’ve all heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing can be bad for you.” Yes, that includes exercise. Click here to see exactly why Excessive Exercise May Be Bad for Your Gut.

Now, whether you are the one who exercises until you’re literally ready to drop dead, or you have someone in your life who is … hopefully you have some idea about what you ought to do to start creating some balance.

In the meantime, why not sign up to get daily tips and secrets from the fitness industry? You can do that by filling out the form at the bottom of this article.

And if you have questions, we’re easy to reach and will be happy to answer them. Just E-mail us at:  answers (AT) fitnessxtremes DOT org.

Posted by in Cardio, Start Here - Basics, Weight Training
Healthier and Stronger: Short Workouts for Beginners

Healthier and Stronger: Short Workouts for Beginners

The truth is, dear readers (and perhaps fans … hey, we like to believe we have fans, ok?) that some of us are not cut out for long workouts.
The 3 Week Diet

Some of us, especially at the beginning think we’re going to jump in the line, rock our bodies on time, and POOF!

We’re gods and goddesses.

But that’s doesn’t shake, does it? What’s more likely to happen is that we decide on a workout. Say, something 30 minutes long. They’re even described as a “short workouts for beginners.”

We then start. We huff and puff. We struggle. Half the time, we have to stop and wait while the video workout continues. We’re fighting to catch our breath. Sweat is dripping all over our carpet, our hard wood floors, our flagstone, our linoleum. We feel like we’re gonna die.

Then we decide this workout thing just isn’t for us. Besides, for some, even thirty minutes is just too much. Who has that kind of time? We’re on the go. We have work, kids, and then there’s the new Blade Runner sequel at the cinema that we’ve been waiting to see for ages. We’re not going to skip THAT for a workout!


What we need are real, short workouts for beginners. Yeah. That’s the ticket. We need a short workout that is effective, and that helps us to drop weight, burn fat, and build muscle.

Do these kind of workouts exist?

You bet your sweet tuchus they do. And, below we deliver the goods.

So if you have a “short” amount of time, continue reading. You’ll be glad you did.

1. A Short Workout for Big Results

short workout

Ok, so, we talked about less than thirty-minute workouts above, but this is a weightlifting workout, and more intense. In fact, this full-body routine will have you in and out of the gym in less than an hour.

Click Here for the Full Article.


2. Most Effective Workout Plan For Those With Limited Time

muscle building workouts

This too is an article, which presents an effective workout plan that helps to build muscle. It picks the four most effective exercises you can do in order to get in a good workout. However, instead of just under an hour, this short workout for beginners squeezes it in at thirty minutes.

Get Your Effective Workout Plan Here.


3. How to Get in Shape with Sprint Running in Short Workouts for Beginners

short workouts for beginners

Sprint running is very popular among celebrities, being one of the most explosive workouts someone could do. These types of short workouts for beginners could help you build your abs and your legs while burning fat.”

Click Here for the Full Article.


4. Easy Abs Workout for Beginners

5. Basic No Equipment Workout Routine For Beginners


Now, we hope that these various kinds of short workouts will give you some inspiration. You should be able to find some time during your busy day to squeeze one or the other in!

In the meantime, go share this article on Facebook or Pinterest. Remember, there are other people who need to know about short workouts too!


Posted by in Start Here - Basics
Healthy Diets and Flat Stomachs

Healthy Diets and Flat Stomachs

First of all, we want to give props to the guys at … talking about healthy diets to lose weight and all.


Because, well. We relate to their nerdage.

*cough* *cough*

Plus, they talk a lot about leveling up when it comes to changing the way that you eat, sticking to healthy diets, and simple healthy eating. Moreover, they go into some real detail with a rather long article on precisely why you need a healthy eating plan.

The 3 Week Diet

See, if you are working on your body with weight training, or cardio, or any other workout routine … but you’re stuffing your face with all the wrong foods … then you are sabatoging yourself.


Right. From. The. Very. Beginning.

As a result, we felt their article is definitely worth a read. We’re following that up with some great in-depth healthy diet info from Joe Wicks and another from Michelle Lewin. We’ll take a look at some recipes that are part of healthy diets to lose weight and more. Finally, we’ll follow that up with a few MORE recipes and then finish this article off with a “How To” video on how you can make a rocking, Healthy Chicken Pathia Curry.

Don’t be afraid to scroll down.

The force is with us on this one.


And you too …

… Keep reading. That’s an order.

A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating

healthy diets

“Do you struggle with healthy eating…because you’re not quite sure what that means?

Maybe your doctor told you that you need to lose weight.

Perhaps you’re sick and tired of being the self-deprecating big guy/girl in your group of friends.

Maybe you just had your first kid and realized you need to be there for him growing up.

It could be that you woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, and finally came to the realization that it seems like it’s time to start taking care of yourself.

Whatever your reason is for wanting to make a change, you’re not alone!  Every day, thousands of people make the decision to start eating better and losing weight…and every day those thousands of people don’t really have any plan or idea what they’re doing.

After all, there are so many freaking decisions to be made:

  • Should I follow the food pyramid?
  • Should I be counting all of my calories?
  • What about “heart healthy” whole grains?
  • Should I do this juice diet all of my coworkers are on?
  • How many Twinkies can I fit in my mouth?

Fear not, for Nerd Fitness is here!  (This is where the Nerd Fitness theme song would play…if we had one).

Today you’re going to learn the basics of a healthy diet so you can stop sucking and start living better.  This is a relatively long article (3500+ words), so feel free to wait until you’re on you’re lunch break to really dig in…or just shun your work for the next 30 minutes and enjoy.  Tell your boss you’re leveling up your life…he’ll understand …

… I’m guessing you’re reading this because you’ve struggled with your diet in the past, and are tired of not seeing results. As a result, if that sounds like you, we created a 10-Level Nerd Fitness Diet Strategy guide just for you.

Whether you’re a nerd or not, we encourage you to check out this powerful article. It’s packed with information on healthy diets that you shouldn’t miss.

So, just click on the image or title above.

Next, we’re going to take a look at a great plan from Joe Wicks, a British fitness coach, TV presenter and author, specializing in cooking and fitness books. Also, this plan can be part of many different healthy diets to lose weight.

Simple Healthy Eating Plan by The Body Coach

healthy eating plan

“If you’re planning to embark on any kind of fitness regime, you have to know that without the correct nutrition your body will never be able to achieve as much as it can. And seriously, these bodies of ours can achieve a lot.

So, WH teamed up with him to bring you the basics to healthy eating plan which, when used in tandem with the amazing 14-day shred exercise guide, will bring some impressive results.

This guide works on the basis that you do your most intense workout after work – which impacts on what you should pile on your plate during the evening. Tweak the diet plan if you hit it hard over lunch time or in the morning.


Upon waking – 250 -300ml ice cold water from fridge.

Joe Wicks encourages everyone to break away from the norm of cereals in the morning and instead suggests eating meat, fats and veg. If you can’t help it once or twice a week you can eat Lizis Granola (Original). It’s very low in sugar and is the only cereal he ever recommends …


… Meal times that don’t follow workouts are an opportunity to repair and nourish your body with good fats and lean protein sources (rather than carbs).

Your body can use the protein for repair, immune strengthening and muscle retention and growth. It also utilizes fats as its main fuel source throughout the day ensuring all those fat-soluble micronutrients get absorbed quickly into your body …


… Eat a post workout meal rich in carbohydrates, proteins and lower in fats 60-90 minutes after your training session. On the days that you train, your body’s Glycogen levels (stored carbohydrates) are drained down from the intense training and need to be topped up with good quality nutrient dense carbohydrates ready for the next session.

Of course, you need protein to rebuild muscle tissue damaged through training, but you also have to eat carbohydrates because to perform at your best requires you to fill your muscles with glycogen.

Cook with a ratio of 1:3 carbs to protein.”

To read the full article, simply click on the title or the image right under it.

Next, we promised some more recipes that are part of healthy diets to lose weight. So, we’re dishing up some great ones published over at

Simple Healthy Eating Recipes

simple healthy eating

“Green Up ‘n’ Go Smoothie – By Lauren Mazzo


First of all, use 1/3 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt

1/3 tablespoon lemon juice

3/4 cup chopped cucumber

1/2 cup green grapes

4 tablespoons pepitas

1/3 cup red apples

2 cups spinach

Finally, use 3/4 cup ice


First, in a blender or food processor, combine Greek yogurt, cucumber, grapes, pepitas, red apples, spinach, and ice. After that, blend until desired consistency. In conclusion, this can be an amazing part of many healthy diets to lose weight fast!

healthy eating plan

Artichoke Benedict – By Renee Cherry


2 artichoke hearts

2 slices organic nitrate-free bacon
The 3 Week Diet

1 egg white

2 eggs

Hollaindaise Ingredients

1/4 cup ghee, melted

1 egg yolk

½ tbsp lemon juice

1 pinch salt

1 pinch paprika


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Then, deconstruct artichoke and place hearts on the baking sheet. (Be sure to remove all thorns.)

Brush the artichoke hearts with egg white.

Additionally, slice two pieces of bacon in half. Distribute evenly on top of the artichoke hearts. Bake for 20 minutes.

While artichokes and bacon are baking, melt ghee in sauce pan. Whisk yolk and lemon juice and add into the pan. Continue to whisk until fluffy and smooth. Set aside.

Finally, in a separate pot, boil water. Then crack two eggs, one at a time, into a ladle and slide into boiling water. Let each boil for 2 minutes and carefully remove.

To serve, place the poached egg on top of the bacon artichoke hearts. Then pour a tablespoon of hollandaise on top. Sprinkle with a dash of paprika and salt or pepper to taste.

healthy diets to lose weight

Turmeric Smoothie Bowl – By Lauren Mazzo


1 sliced banana, frozen (slice before freezing for best results)

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. Numi Turmeric Chai Golden Latte mix

Then add a splash of almond milk

Also, unsalted slivered almonds, to taste

Finally, use 1 ripe persimmon, cut into bite size pieces (should be solid orange and slightly crisp)


Add bananas, vanilla, turmeric, and a splash of almond milk to blender.

Then, blend until smooth throughout. Add more almond milk if needed.

Also, add almonds and diced persimmon. Enjoy!”

Next, we’re going to share the awesome healthy eating plan of Michelle Lewin. In case you don’t know who she is, well … she’s a Miami based, internationally renowned fitness model.

Michelle Lewin Shares Her Healthy Diets to Lose Weight

Finally, we’re capping it all with ONE LAST RECIPE.

Most relevant dear readers: This one is a video tutorial. Enjoy. 🙂

Lean In 15 Healthy Chicken Pathia Curry


Finally, share this wealth of knowledge on healthy diets to lose weight with your friends!

Pinterest or Facebook is fine. Share the love!


Posted by in Diets, Start Here - Basics
Weight Training Routines for Beginners

Weight Training Routines for Beginners

Alright gang.

This is it. This is where we discern the dumbells from the other … uh … weights.

This is where you may learn for the first time, terms like High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). If you have never heard this term before, don’t feel bad. We never heard it before starting to do some research into the subject of weight training routines for beginners either. (But hey, we are on the journey just like you. Check out our About Page to see why.)

Wikipedia notes that, HIIT is also called high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training (SIT), is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. (You can read the full Wiki entry, HERE).

Now, why are we bringing this up?

Well, because there is some (apparent) disagreement among the experts as to whether you should, or should not, use HIIT when you lift weights.

For example, while says maybe you shouldn’t … fitness celebrity, Joe Wicks says you should.

Let’s dive into what each has to say below, and then we’ll get right into some routines for beginners.

Ready? Let’s rock.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Doing HIIT Training

Routines for beginners

First of all, “If you’ve been researching the best methods to torch fat quickly, there’s no question that you’ve come across something called high intensity interval training. Simply put, HIIT is the preferred method of most trainers right now to get their clients down to a very lean state of body fat.

Touted for it’s metabolic benefits and for allowing you to get in and out of the gym in record time, people everywhere are pushing the intensity barrier and giving this workout protocol a go. But, is HIIT all that it’s cracked up to be? After all, it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. If you’ve ever done HIIT yourself, you realize that this type of training is going to take it out of you in a major, major way. In fact, you may feel pretty much like all the life has been kicked right out of you and all you want to do is lie on the floor in the fetal position while your body attempts recovery

… you must consider when deciding if HIIT is a wise decision for you what your weight workouts look like. One huge mistake that people make … is going into the gym and doing four very heavy, high volume weight lifting workouts. Then they try to add two more sessions of HIIT cardio on their off days. Then … another two sessions timed later on in the day after their upper body workouts.

That right there is a recipe for CNS destruction. Your central nervous system can only take so much intensity. In addition, once you surpass what it can handle, it doesn’t really matter what type of workout you’re doing. In conclusion, you’re still going to struggle.”

To check out the full article, just click on the title or image above.

To see the flip side, watch the following weight training video from Joe Wicks.

15 Minute Full Body Dumbbell HIIT Workout

Also, whether you choose to focus solely on a weight training regimen, or to include cardio and other elements of a HIIT workout, you need to think of a few things first.

For example, gives the following good advice:

Before You Burn – Information About Weight Training Routines For Newbies

Weight training routines

“Information About Weight Training Routines For Beginners

So you need to lose a few pounds? Perhaps you want to bulk up and strengthen and define your muscle tone? Maybe you just want to add a bit of variety to your exercise program? Weight training routines offer a great way to accomplish these goals. These types of training routines are used by professional athletes, fitness pros, and body builders. Many individuals work weight training into their overall exercise routine in combination with cardio workouts or other activities. In order for a weight training routine to be effective, it needs to be targeted to produce specific results. The exercises you include will be different depending on what you want to accomplish.

Basic Weight Training Workouts

When first getting started with weight training programs, it is important to learn proper technique before moving on to more difficult exercises or heavier weights. It is also a good idea to establish a pattern or routine to help you stick to your program and get consistent results. For beginners, training for a half hour or 45 minutes two to three times each week is recommended. As noted, the exercises you include in your routine will depend on the results desired.”

To check out the full article, just click on the title or image above.


We promised we would get to actual weight training routines for beginners. So, without further ado …

We’ll cover the workout for ladies who want to lift weights first.

How to Lift Weights and Stay Slim

Weight training

“It’s a myth that’s plagued weight training for women forever and is probably one of the most common excuses personal trainers hear: lifting weights will make me bulk up! I really wish I didn’t have to say this so often, but let me tell you this: you can lift weights without getting bulky!
The 3 Week Diet

I’m going to break it down for you so that you can get over the fear of ‘hulking out’ and understand it’s possible to lift weights AND stay lean.

Why you should add weight training to your routine

Most of all, a well-rounded fitness program doesn’t just include weight training. While cardio is great for overall fitness and weight loss, weight training can help shape and tone muscles, as well as helping to burn more fat. Using a combination of training styles can help to maximise weight loss, as well as helping to improve strength.

Also, resistance training can help your body to burn calories even after your workout has finished — this is known as Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption or EPOC …”

Read the rest of this article from women’s fitness expert, Kayla Itsines by clicking on the title or image above.

Finally, for the guys (actually for the ladies too) the following comes from Note that we’re just giving the bare bones here. We’ll follow up on weight training routines for beginners with one last video.

Best Beginner Weight-Training Guide with Easy-To-Follow Workout!

Lift weights

  • Running, Treadmill

1 set, 5-10 minutes

  • Leg Press

1 set

  • Lying Leg Curls

1 set

  • Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

1 set

  • Butterfly

1 set

  • Triceps Pushdown – Rope Attachment

1 set

  • Machine Bicep Curl

1 set

  • Machine Shoulder (Military) Press

1 set

  • Ab Crunch Machine

1 set

  • Air Bike

1 set

Finally guys, read the rest of this article from on weight training routines for beginners by clicking on the title or image above.

Last bit:

Antagonist Machine Workout

That’s it for this article on weight training routines for beginners! Therefore … (Yes. We like transition words here.) … Take the time to share this article on Facebook or Pinterest if you think you got real value from it! 🙂

Posted by in Start Here - Basics, Weight Training
Top Secrets on How to Get a Six Pack Fast

Top Secrets on How to Get a Six Pack Fast

Right. So there are secrets, and then there are secrets.

If you don’t have the knowledge you need to get six pack abs and you’re just starting out, it’s all a mystery to you.

This article is designed for beginners.

So, if that’s NOT you, and you’re well on your way to developing six pack abs, go ahead and skip this article. We’ve got more advanced articles. So, don’t worry about that. JUST CLICK HERE.

How to Get a Six Pack Fast

Now, for those of you who are beginners who have no idea how to get a six pack fast, you are in the right place! Don’t go anywhere!

We’ve broken this article up into a section for the guys, with a men’s six pack abs workout. Then, below that, we’ve got a section for the ladies with a women’s six pack abs workout.

As always, we’re coming at you with info from professional fitness trainers. You deserve the best! In the guy’s section, we feature information from Joe Wicks. He’s a fitness coach, TV presenter and author specializing in cooking and fitness books.

Six Pack Abs

For the ladies, we’re bringing you the best from fitness cover model, Michelle Lewin.

Both are designed for relative newbies.

Everyone starts somewhere, right? Take a look at the info we provide. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and if there’s anything you have questions about.

If you do, we’ll do our best to hook you up with the right answers on the best six pack exercise for you. Now guys, let’s get started building your six pack abs!

(Ladies, just scroll down.)


5 Minute Abs Blaster


For a more in-depth look at this workout check out the article below. You’ll find a great description with instructions on how you can get your six pack abs.


Ripped trainer reveals how to get a six-pack in 20 minutes

six pack abs workout

The fitness star’s stripped back approach to burning fat and building muscle can be done in less than half an hour anywhere, anytime.

Joe Wicks’ get ripped quick mantra has successfully helped more than 50,000 people transform their bodies. They go from flabby to fit – including a host of stars like Ellie Goulding, John Terry and Joey Essex.

Drawing on his experience as a personal trainer Joe, aka The Body Coach, champions a super-speedy style of training. It’s a style that will help you get a six-pack in no time …

… The 30-year-old doesn’t believe that anyone has time to hit the gym for hours on end.

So instead he reckons you should slash your sessions to just 20 minutes and repeat four or five times a week – meaning you’ll only be sweating for around an hour and a half in total over the seven-day period.

If you can, the social media sensation recommends kick-starting the day with exercise.

To check out the full article, simply click the title or on the image above.



Michelle Lewin’s Way to 6 Packs!

Ladies, for a more in-depth look at this workout as well as a great description with instructions on how you can get your six pack abs, check out the article below.

Six Pack Abs to Die For

six pack exercise


Michelle Lewin has the shredded “six pack” abs that most women would die for. To maintain her abs, she follows a daily workout routine and she also does daily cardio at a high intensity to burn calories and fat.

In the gym, here are the main exercises she does for her abs:

  1. Crunches – 4 sets, 20 reps
  2. Hanging Knee Raises – 4 sets, 12 reps
  3. Crunches on Ball – 4 sets, 20 reps
  4. Crunch Machine – 4 sets, 12 reps

The 3 Week Diet

If you want to follow her ab routine, we recommend starting small with 5-10 reps for each set and then slowly working up from there.

In addition to working out her abs in the gym, Michelle does cardio daily to burn fat through Sprints (which she says are her favorite exercise), using the Stair Master, attending Spinning classes and by Rollerblading on the beachfront promenade where she lives in Miami Beach, Florida.

Check out the full article above by clicking on the title or image above.

Whether you’re a man or woman, we feel that these workouts should get you started.

In the meantime, check out some of our other articles on weight training routines, organic foods, healthy diets, outdoor training and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual fitness. Just look over to your right in our archives and recent articles!

Simple as that.

Posted by in Start Here - Basics
Extreme Fitness: Weight Loss and Self-Acceptance

Extreme Fitness: Weight Loss and Self-Acceptance

Can weight loss and self-acceptance go hand in hand?

That’s the question we look at today in this article.

We believe the answer is hands down, a resounding, “Yes.”

We want to share with you an incredible TEDx speech on the subject of weight loss and self-acceptance. It also covers the secret to self-control, developing self-esteem, and more.

We also want to share some cutting-edge, research on this subject.

You see, when it comes to the kind of mind-set you need to lose weight, and gain muscle, it’s all about how to develop self-confidence. Sometimes, you need to let go. Why? Because creating a way of thinking where you give yourself permission for body acceptance just might be crucial.

The video below will explain exactly why that is.

Then, we’ll share some articles from experts on the subject. The reason? Because once your mental state is right, your weight loss, fitness, and self-acceptance goals are just easier to achieve.

You can look at yourself in the mirror and accept that maybe you are not where you want to be. Ok. Fine. That’s how you are today. And you have the choice, every day, to take action on that. Or not.

It doesn’t change who you are.

It changes your health. But it doesn’t change YOU.

It’s like when someone becomes suddenly wealthy. The money doesn’t change that person. It simply amplifies the character of that individual. If that person was good inside to begin with, maybe he or she will go on to use their newfound wealth for the benefit of their family members. Maybe they’ll use it for their community and more.

If that person was a horrible jerk, well maybe he or she will use their new financial success as a means to build their own personal kingdom on earth. And, maybe that person will do it without regard for anyone but themselves.

The money is a tool.

Keep in mind we’re not money coaches here. We’re just using it as an analogy. Just as money doesn’t change the inner character of a person, so too a person’s outward appearance doesn’t change their inner being.


Without further ado, let’s dig into some awesome methods of getting the RIGHT kind of mindset so you can gain self-acceptance while pursuing weight loss.

Here we go!

The Secret to Self-Control and Self-Acceptance



Next, we take a look at a Qualitative Study Exploring the Behavioral, Physical, and Psychosocial Changes Associated with Yoga That Promote Weight Loss. Keep on reading. You’ll be glad you did.

A Different Weight Loss Experience

developing self esteem

Obesity, defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, is epidemic in the USA and plays a pivotal role in many chronic health conditions. Greater than 30% of the US population (an estimated 72.5 million) is obese, at an annual cost of $147 billion dollars in medical costs.

A number of elements contribute to the obesity epidemic. But, the Surgeon General has cited three main factors that play an important role: decreased physical activity; increased consumption of high caloric, high fat and nutrient-poor foods; and stress. Strong evidence shows that a dose-response relationship exists between stress and abdominal adiposity and obesity. Stress also affects food-seeking behaviors including increased consumption of foods high in fat and sugar.

No single solution for reducing obesity exists.

Over 300,000 bariatric surgeries were performed worldwide to treat obesity in 2011. While potentially effective in reducing body weight and prolonging survival, these surgeries pose significant risk for complications. Traditional weight loss programs focusing on diet and exercise to produce an energy deficit frequently result in weight loss. However, long-term weight maintenance remains elusive.

Few of these treatments address the complex psychological and behavioral issues that initially led to weight gain.

Check out the findings of the full study, by Clicking Here or on the image above.

Now, the article below offers a slightly different take on the issue. It’s one of caution. Although we think the video and study above offer high value, we think the slightly opposing view offered below fits more with our belief system. We believe in being kind to everyone, no matter what shape or size they happen to be. But we also believe that some lifestyles are absolutely healthier. And, the bottom line for us is the fact that healthier lifestyles lead to longer lives. They also lead to better self-esteem and what we believe is a resulting greater self-acceptance.

The following comes from the folks over at


Are We Embracing Obesity?

3 Ways The Fat Acceptance Movement Influences Our Sense of Self – by Dr. Emily Hayman


We have become so lost in the fast pace of society that we have started to forget the true meaning of the “self”. The media has begun to embrace the concept of loving oneself regardless of size, shape, and ability. While this concept is critical in maintaining a happy and fulfilling life, it’s not necessarily conducive to leading a healthy life. That’s especially true when we have begun to define the “self” as our outward image or appearance.

This new shift in thinking is known as the Fat Acceptance Movement, and although the intentions behind it are to promote self-love, it has begun to spiral out of control into a mechanism that enables unhealthy or excessive eating and portrays skewed perceptions of what confidence and self-esteem entail.

  1. Obesity has been glamorized. Sex appeal, humor, and sometimes confidence that borders on arrogance are all being tied into the image of being overweight. Magazines, TV shows, and movies have increasingly adopted models and characters who are overweight in an effort to be diverse and politically correct. There is a huge difference between accepting something and glamorizing it. Anything that is glamorized in the media is bound to become accepted as a norm or adopted as a trend.

The 3 Week Diet

While it is always important to treat everyone with kindness, fairness, and compassion, regardless of their appearance, it is not acceptable to promote unhealthy eating habits or dismiss the importance of physical activity.

Read the full article by clicking on the title or on the image above.


With that said, working out should not be seen as a punishment.

“I’m fat!” Therefore, I must kill myself to get skinny.

What kind of self-acceptance is that?

As Lissa Rankin M.D. wrote in an article for Psychology Today:

“I believe that you will never achieve and maintain a healthy weight until you learn to love yourself, fat and all. If your weight loss is fueled by negative mind chatter and self-hatred, weight loss becomes punishment. You know what I’m talking about.”

The takeaways?

If you have a body image that you hate, consider being kind to yourself just as you would be kind to a best friend. Forgive yourself. Accept yourself as you are. But don’t stop there.

In your quest for healthy weight loss, and the body you’ve always dreamed of, remember that nothing you desire comes without effort.

Allow self-acceptance. And then accept that in making the effort to achieve fat loss and fitness goals, you sometimes have to take massive action.

You can do it. We believe in you.

If you don’t know how to get started on the path to reaching your fitness dreams, check out the “Start Here – Basics” category over in the sidebar to your right.


Posted by in Mindset, Start Here - Basics
Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Discover How to Lose Weight Fast

Today the experts weigh in on how to drop weight fast.

Hey guys and gals, thank you so much for choosing to come by Today you’re going to learn exactly how to lose weight fast and easy.

There is simply a ton of information out there, and a lot of it is utter crap. We don’t want to serve that up to you because we believe you deserve better. You should have the right to get information directly from experts in the fitness industry. That’s why we’re providing you with some great advice from experts such as Tony Horton and Kayla Itsines.

Now, this site is all about Xtreme Fitness. Right? So, we want to first and foremost give you a workout example that will show you how to drop weight fast. It will also allow you to start getting the body you want. How? By burning fat and building lean muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

However, we know that SOME of you, are looking for easier workouts. Some of you are looking for diets that are designed to still help you lose weight fast and easy without a lot of hard work. You know, maybe you just want to lose 10 or 15 pounds and drop a dress size. Who knows what your goals are?

Well, you do.

And, there’s more than one way to get there.

One thing we know. Most people don’t have lots of time to work out, yet they still want quick results. So, get ready for an amazing workout from

15 Minute Extreme Fat Burning Home Workout

Now, for those of you that want a bit of science, there is a reason that Xtreme Fitness routines are actually BETTER for you than most others. Here’s an article from WebMD that you should definitely read. That is, if you’re looking for the WHY these routines work best when you want to lose weight fast.

High-Intensity Workouts: Burn Calories Better, Longer

how to lose weight fast

Things are about to get really intense. But just for a little while.

It’s called high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. You vary your pace or how hard you work, pushing your limits, and then drop back down to a more comfortable zone. Then you do it again — rev it up, recover, and repeat.

The payoff: You’ll torch calories far more than if you kept at a steady rate.

The catch? “HIIT can be tough, and it requires a lot of effort,” says Mike Young, PhD, owner and founder of Athletic Lab Sports Performance Training Center in Cary, NC.

You’re up for the challenge. Right?

Check out this full article on how to lose weight fast by clicking the image or title above.

Next, ladies and gents, it’s time for some advice from fitness guru, Tony Horton on how to drop weight fast. In case you don’t know the guy, he’s an American personal trainer and author. He is best known as the creator of the commercial home exercise regimen P90X.




That’s just the tip of the iceberg. In the following article,Tony goes all out with ten awesome tips on how you can lose weight fast in just 3 days.



how to drop weight fast

    1. Eat often ~ I know this sounds contrary to weight loss, but science has proven over and over again, that eating 5 healthy “snack size” meals throughout the day, is how you lose weight.
    2. Cut out the salt ~ This means consuming less than 2 grams a day. Deli meats, cold cuts, sauces, dressings and processed foods are typically loaded with sodium, so run don’t walk away from these problem foods.
    3. Drink your water! ~ For whatever reason this is still a head scratcher for a lot of people. Some schools of thought say to drink as much as a gallon of water a day. Maybe if you’re a 245 pound linebacker training twice a day. My goal is 6 to 8 eight oz. glasses a day, but your weight and activity levels really determine how much is right for you. Drink even amounts of water throughout the day, and experiment to learn what works for you.
    4. Get off the hootch! ~ Yup, the empty calories in alcohol, soda pop, energy drinks, are great for gaining weight, so they all have to go if you really want to lose weight and live a healthy life.
    5. Plenty of rest and sleep ~ Sleeping is healing, and it’s also when you burn the most calories. Lack of sound sleep, over training, and stress raises cortisol levels to the point where your circadian rhythm is so out of whack that you crave unhealthy food, lose your focus and desire to exercise. Good sleep, low stress, mixed with yoga and meditation is the foundation to weight loss.

    Read the full article by clicking on the image or the title above.


    Ladies, the next one is specifically for you. Not every workout and not every diet is created equal. Some are great for both sexes. However, due to the fact that men and women store fat differently, there are some strategies that work better for women than for men.

    The following article presents outstanding, expert advice from Kayla Itsines. She’s an Australian personal trainer, author, and entrepreneur on how to lose weight fast.


    Who Else Wants to Know How to Drop Weight Fast?

    how to lose weight fast and easy

    Want to lose weight fast? This question seems to be thrown around a lot in the health and weight loss industry these days. We are surrounded by products that promise you a ‘6 pack’ or ‘toned booty’ in such a short amount of time. In my opinion, it’s beginning to get a little ridiculous! While some of these things may assist you, it’s almost always in the short-term and that leads me to ask the question “is this actually helping your weight loss efforts in the long run?”

    I want to talk about how ‘losing weight fast’ may not necessarily be the best thing for your health, but firstly and most importantly I want to challenge the idea that weight loss is a ‘fast’ thing to achieve.

    I believe this type of mentality can be damaging, not only physically but also mentally. Whether you are wanting to lose weight for health reasons or to tone up because you don’t feel happy and confident, there should never be a time limit on achieving that. We as girls especially often feel pressured to have a certain look or certain body type. We are surrounded by “models” and other influencers on social media who we not only look up to, but think that is the way we need to physically look. Add the word “weight loss” into the mix and this suddenly seems like something that has to be achieved immediately, or else we may never reach that “ideal look”.

    As always ladies, check out the full article by clicking on the image or the title above. 🙂


    The 3 Week Diet

    Finally, we’re fans of learning something new all the time. Without new discoveries, life would be dull. So, we want to leave you with an interesting article on a diet that seems to be taking Japan by storm and is helping the Japanese to drop weight fast.

    (Please note, we’re not endorsing this diet. You may learn how to lose weight fast, but if you try it, it’s totally at your own risk. Not that we think there’s really any risk involved, but … we had to say that.)


    How to Lose Weight Easy with the Japanese Morning Banana Diet

    how to drop weight fast

    Eat a banana for breakfast

    You can eat more than one. In fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning. But, don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort.

    Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas.

    Other fruit may be substituted.

    If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal.

    If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food. The Japanese inventor of the original Asa Banana Diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later. That’s about 200 calories worth. Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball.

    You can read about this rather unique diet, and get full details by clicking on the image above or on the title.


    By now, we’re pretty sure you have some kick-butt insights on how to lose weight fast and easy.  So, where do you go from here?

    Well, most people who want to lose weight fast, right? They also want to know how to get a six pack.

    If that’s you, don’t leave!

    You can get some great info from the experts on exactly how to do that by clicking the link below.

    —>>> How to Get a Six Pack Fast


Posted by in Start Here - Basics