Belly Fat

Stop! Little Known Methods to Blast Your Belly Fat

Stop! Little Known Methods to Blast Your Belly Fat

Ok, so our title is a little dramatic. But, you know, let’s start with a few assumptions on stubborn belly fat, shall we?

Whether you are a man or woman, it’s likely in today’s America (or hey … quite possibly elsewhere too) that you have unwanted belly fat. This might be due to the fact that you hate exercise. (And, we don’t judge. Some of us here hate exercise too. In fact, the owner of this site hates it with a passion. Yes, he wants a healthy lifestyle MORE … but we digress….)
The 3 Week Diet

Stubborn belly fat is a common complaint by those who come into gyms. That bloated belly is the subject of a million new years’ resolutions.

So today, we want to take a look at what two of the most popular fitness bloggers have to say on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat, as well as get some advice from our standbys, Tony Horton and Kayla Itsines. 🙂

Finally, we’ll round everything out with a belly fat burning workout from Cassey Ho, an American social media fitness entrepreneur.


So, let’s kick off everything with how to get rid of stubborn belly fat from the guys over at!

Monty Python and the Holy Abs

how to get rid of stubborn belly fat

“Okay Monty Python, grab your coconuts, load up your “horse,” and get started on your quest for those rock-hard abs you’ve always wanted.

I’m going to guess for most of you, abs are the Holy Grail of physical fitness.  Ryan Reynolds had abs that were so defined on Blade 3 that one writer assumed he had ab implants.  The actors in 300 became famous not just for their biceps and pecs but more for their abs that looked painted on.  Everybody is after them, but nobody can find them …

… If you’re a female, you’ve probably said “I want to tone up” at some point in the past.  If you’re a dude, you probably want to get “ripped.”  Here’s how it works: you have your bones, then muscle on top of your bones, then on top of the muscle you have fat, and then on top of the fat you have skin.

These are completely different materials.

Your muscle doesn’t turn into fat if you stop working out, and your fat doesn’t turn into muscle if you exercise all day long.  If you just eat better, you WILL lose fat but you won’t build muscle.  If you eat like crap but lift weights like crazy, you could have a body like Ryan Reynolds trapped inside a body that looks like Jabba the Hutt.”

To get your full dose of belly fat destroying nerdage, just click the image or title above.

Next, we want to point your attention to a more serious take on the issue of getting rid of stubborn belly fat.

The following article comes from one of the top fitness bloggers of 2017. His name is Dai Manuel, and he’s got some good stuff to say on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Check it out below.

The 5 Shades of Stubborn Belly Fat and How to Lose It

Bloated belly

“Based on fat stock location, experts distinguish between subcutaneous and visceral fat, as well as belly fat, buttocks fat, and thigh fat. Each of these fat types has specific features and roles in the body, but in most cases, we tend to regard it as just an eyesore. Sadly, there’s more to body fat than meets the eye: hidden fat can seriously jeopardize your health and increase the risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and dementia.

Subcutaneous fat

The 3 Week Diet

Subcutaneous fat lurks directly under your skin. Measure it using skin-fold calipers to get an estimate of total body fat. In most cases, subcutaneous fat found in thighs, belly, and buttocks isn’t as bad for your long-term health as visceral fat but it can become a serious health risk (and a serious eyesore) if you don’t take steps to bust it without delay.

Visceral fat

Compared to its visible counterpart, visceral fat is a much nastier fellow. The biggest problem with hidden fat stock lies in the fact it can’t be measured with precision. In most cases, visceral fat is found in the abdomen. It’s distributed around organs such as liver, pancreas, and/or kidneys in the form of jelly. Visceral fat can’t be burnt as easily or as fast as subcutaneous fat. It increases the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, arthritis, coronary heart disease, sleeping disorders, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. Unless identified and treated on time, belly fat (a.k.a. deep or active fat) can disrupt hormonal balance and create a fertile ground for insulin resistance hitches and elevated toxin and LDL cholesterol levels.”

Check out the full article (and we recommend that you do), by clicking on the image or the title above!

Next, let’s go and check in with fitness guru Tony Horton. In the article below you’ll get some belly fat blasting warrior moves from the man.

3 P90X Moves You Need to Do Now

Habits to maintain

“Try these Warrior Workout exercises for explosive power, calorie burn, and flexibility:

In the martial arts world, “warriors” have nearly superhuman skills. They can jump over an average person’s head. These ninjas can break bricks. They have a ferocious training style, determination, and Zen-like focus. Cultivate the heart of a warrior. Redefine what it means to be strong, fit, and healthy.

But the thing is, if you want to achieve warrior-like fitness, it takes more than just heart. You need to know the moves inside and out. You need to execute them perfectly. Sure, you can stumble through moves like jab/cross/hook/uppercut/knee/front kick and still burn calories. You can still get some great cardiovascular benefits. If you nail it just right, you’ll push your body further, work your core with more intensity, and give your stabilizer muscles some serious play. In short, you’ll Crush It! You’ll burn more fat and build an internal foundation. This allows you to push bigger, sexier muscles, like your glutes, lats, and pecs, all the harder …


START:  Stand with your feet and knees together in a squat, arms overhead, arms overhead, and your weight in your heels (imagine you’re sitting in a chair).

ACTION: While remaining low, jump your feet out and bring your fingertips to the floor in front of you (keep your head and chest up while maintaining a low squat position). Jump back to the starting position and repeat.”

Now, that’s hardly all Tony’s got in that article, so when you’re ready you can read the full article on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat by CLICKING HERE.

Finally we’re finishing it off with a great workout for the ladies from Cassy Ho.

Flat Belly: How to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat


And … voila!

Share this article on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat on Facebook or Pinterest. You liked it. You know you did.

And if you don’t, we’re gonna Nerd Up, get Darth Maul, and sic’ him and his skinny rear on ya’ll. 😉


Uh …we just mentioned a prequel character.

*tip-toeing quietly away now …. *


Posted by in Belly Fat